Impact Statement

Beehive Cheese Company, LLC is committed to making a positive impact within our local and global communities. We are committed to identifying, assessing, and managing our environmental impacts and improving our overall environmental performance.

Environmental Initiatives

  • Cardboard Reuse and Recycling: We reuse cardboard boxes used to store supplies and organize product in inventory. We recycle any cardboard products that cannot be reused.
  • Water Reduction: We are in the process of implemented a water management system.
  • Recyclable Temperature Control Shipping Insulation: This year we began using recyclable insulation our direct to consumer and wholesale shipments.
  • Renewable Energy: For the past decade we've supported our local Blue Sky Renewable Energy Program.     

Supply Initiatives

We have a commitment to purchase core products (at least 50% of non-labor expenses) from independent suppliers within our local area of Northern Utah.