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Together we raised $30,064! THANK YOU!

We originally asked for $12,000 on the crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo, to produce two batches of Promontory, our base cheddar. We crushed that goal.

Your donations will allow us to make five batches of cheese! All 6,750 pounds of Promontory will be donated to the Utah Food Bank to feed roughly 3,375 families







The Need

Since March we’ve done all we can do to support the community through in kind donations of about 2,600 pounds of cheese to the Lantern House, Catholic Community Services, and the Utah Food Bank. At this point, we’ve run out of cheese in our coolers to donate and still fill customer orders. 

Our community is facing depression-era levels of unemployment, with 1 in 7 workers out of job. Food Banks are in desperate need. They’ve seen a major increase in families seeking assistance. These families need nutrient dense, versatile foods to get by. Cheese is the perfect food to donate. 

With retail and food service demand down, Beehive is only producing at a fourth of our capacity. Our vats are open and ready to produce cheese for the community.  

Why are you calling it Project Promontory?

Two reasons.

One, our base cheddar is called Promontory. It’s named after a famous Utah landmark, Promontory Point, where the railroads connected 150 years ago.

Two, a Promontory is a high point of land jutting out of a large body of water. It’s the safest place to be when you’re surrounded by the rising tide of uncertainty. We believe if we all work together, we can hold each other up as high as possible and stay safe.